Welcome to the Lake Waukewan Association web site.The site is under development and will likely change frequently for a while. Please fell free to offer suggestions for content and arrangement of the information. You can send suggestions by email to Doug Steele.
President - Donna Murphy
Vice President - John DeMichaelis Treasurer - Dave Correira Secretary: Frank Murphy Maintenance - Frank Murphy President Ex Officio - Nancy Curran DirectorsDan Raymond (2029)
Mark Salamone (2028) Ron Draper (2027) Bob Burbank (2026) Ben Hagberg (2025) Navigating Our WebsiteYou may visit the other pages of our website, by clicking on any of the links that are in bold red. This includes bold red text in headlines, too.
You can click on the items in the menu bar, such as Contact Info, to go to that page. You can hover your mouse over an item in the menu bar and scroll down the drop-down list to select a sub-page from its list. For example, if you hold your mouse over the Contact Info, you can scroll down to select a page of the mailing list. The pages that are protected are for LWA members only. Routes 3 & 25 Intersection Plan
2023 VLAP Report
The 2023 VLAP report is available here.
CyanobacteriaSnake RiverThe Town of New Hampton overwhelmingly passed a warrant article that placed New Hampton's portion of the Snake River into Primary Wetlands status. Great news for our Lake and watershed.
Our Facebook Page
Check out our Facebook page here.
Vittner Beach
Loons & Eagles - 2023 |
Fireworks!If you are planning to have a fireworks display, please consider the information in the NH DES fact sheet: Fireworks and New Hampshire Lakes.